Timetable & Links

Available on dates & times below. Posts will appear at the bottom of the page:

Sunday 23rd September

7:30pm-9.00pm – Introduction with Gen Dornying

Monday 24th September

9.00am-10.00am – Meditation with Gen Tilopa

11:00am-1.00pm – Empowerment with Kadam Bridget Heyes (available until 11am, Tuesday 25th September)

4.30pm-6.00pm – Teaching with Kadam Bridget Heyes

7.30pm-8.30pm – Wishfulfilling Jewel with tsog

Tuesday 25th September

9.00am-10.00am – Meditation with Gen Tilopa

11:00am-12:30pm – Teaching with Kadam Bridget Heyes

4.30pm-6.00pm – Teaching with Kadam Bridget Heyes

7.30pm-8.30pm – Wishfulfilling Jewel with tsog

Wednesday 26th September

9.00am-10.00am – Meditation with Gen Tilopa

11:00am-12:30pm – Teaching with Kadam Bridget Heyes

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